Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Witness Protection Program

No, I'm not in it, nor plan to be, nor want to be.

But, imagine if you were.

Imagine if every day you had to look over your shoulder, wonder if you're being followed. Or when you open a door or start your car.

How well do you know someone? You  trust a person your whole life only to find the mere buzz of a cell phone shatters it all.

When does the past, stay the past? Does the past ever die and stay just that - - the past?

Hold your breath with each sentence, page and chapter of Andrew Gross' debut chilling, thriller, The Blue Zone.  It is breath-takingly brilliant. A book where you fight the urge to read a sentence or two ahead! No wonder DeMille, Patterson and Child have endorsed it.

Anxiously await his new release, Eyes Wide Open - release date, July 12.

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