Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tracking a Cat..

or in other words, Track the Cat, Nevada Barr's first installment of the mystery adventures of Park Ranger Anna Pigeon. Set in West Tex, Anna hunts for clues surrounding the mysterious death of a fellow park ranger.

Having not read a book with a back drop of nature and wild life, I wasn't sure what to expect. It is definitely a departure from the "normal" mysteries I read and I was pleasantly surprised, an intriguing whodunit, sliding down a cliff, grasping at clues, trying to hang on!!

Thanks for another recommendation from a reader and I look forward to reading more of Anna's cliff hanging adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike - You might want to try The Professor and The Madman by Simon Winchester. It is a quick read that is based upon history. Murder, insanity and the creation of the Oxford English Dictionary.

    Have a good one -

