Monday, February 10, 2014

After reading 'Tell No One', you may want to tell Everyone!

You've read books you can't put down. Yes, those books that are so good you want to read page after page after page until you're finished; you toss away your list of things to do  because you're so captivated by a book you just want to keep reading and reading. Once such book is Harlan Coben's book, Tell No One.

From the inside cover: For Dr. David Beck, the loss was shattering. And every day for the past eight years, he has relived the horror of what happened. The gleaming lake. The pale moonlight. The piercing screams...

Tell No One is a book you can't put down, but a book that you must. You have to. To catch your breath. The intensity sucks every air molecule out of your lungs until you can't breath. You put it down to catch your breath and you walk away. But, it keeps pulling you back, like a magnet placed to close to a piece of steel, the attraction so powerful it inches closer to the metal object. You walk further away, but its too much. You try to fight it but can't. You find yourself back on the couch or chair, slowly picking up the book and turning to the page where you last gasped for air and then you..

Inhale, fill your lungs till they almost burst and start reading. Released in 2001, you may have already read Tell No One if not, do... you may just'll want to tell Everyone about this great book!

Find other books by Harlan Coben, including the Myron Bolitar series at his website

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