It was the morning of January 7th. One foot on the scale, then the other. The digital display screamed back at me, "Dude, you need to lose weight!" So, googling my way through recipes on the web, I wanted to find a scrumptious way to cook green beans. They say eat your vegetables so green beans is a good place to start.
So last nights dinner consisted of grilled salmon and sauteed green beans. Someone once said, Simpler is Better, and this little meal took about 15 minutes to throw together.
1 Salmon filet and a handful of fresh green beans
A smathering of Rub with Love Salmon Rub
Sartori Di Verona Amarone ( on a rating system of 5 corks, I give it a 3.5)
Grill provided by George Foreman.
Cover the filet in salmon rub to a degree of your choosing. You can follow the directions on the jar, but what fun is that?!?! To cook this meal I covered the filet while the beans were on the boil. I guess you could marinate it a bit, let it sit in the fridge for a while before you start, but I hadn't thought of that until now.
There's not much to grilling salmon, sure you can cedar plank it, but time management is the key and my outdoor grill isn't conducive to using indoors next to the stove while I sauteed the beans so I called up George Foreman and he provided me a counter top grill. I don't know George but I do know his grill and its very handy for indoor grilling.
So the beans. Here's the quick, not so sophisticated recipe. ( I used minced garlic and white wine instead of what the recipe calls for. Basically because I didn't have what they recommended)
All in all, a quick healthy meal.
So, fast forward to this morning, June 29th. The scale yelled back to me "Dude, you've lost some weight!!" 20 lbs since January. For those that have seen me recently, you may not have noticed, partly because I hid myself in my little cubby hole during the winter when I was at my heaviest. Hybernating if you will. (compared to this time last year, I've only lost 10 lbs, but who's counting!)
So how'd I lose the weight, you may ask?:
Eliminate potato chips, doritos or the salty, fat, snack of your liking
Eliminate fast food
Minimize chocolate
Minimize bread
Eat more fish/chicken
Eat more fruit/vegetables
Eat less and...
Exercise! I try to do something each day. Whether it be a walk to buy lottery tickets ( instead of driving), riding a bike, golf, ( stationery or otherwise) and weights.
Bon Appetit!